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PAGE Launches Ad Campaign Showing that Natural Gas is Broadly Supported by Voters Across Party Lines


WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 18, 2024) – The Partnership to Address Global Emissions (PAGE) this month launched a new D.C. advertising campaign highlighting recent polling results showing that voters, across party lines, support natural gas as an important energy source and want to see increased production of natural gas.

“Ahead of the 2024 election, it’s important for candidates, policymakers and their staff to understand where voters stand on critical energy issues, which rank among their top priorities this campaign season,” said Chris Treanor, Executive Director of PAGE. “Our ad campaign sends a clear message: a majority of voters support natural gas and want the energy source included as part of a steady energy transition.”

Targeted to Inside-the-Beltway energy policy leaders and elected officials, the WTOP radio, Massachusetts Ave, NE wallscape, and Capitol Hill mobile and digital billboard ads issue a call to action to visit which reinforces the fact that natural gas expansion has broad bipartisan support, including:

  • 70% of voters, including majorities across party lines, support increasing natural gas production
  • 76% of voters, including 80% of Democrats, want a steady clean energy transition using all resources, including natural gas, to keep energy affordable and reliable – an 11-percentage point increase since 2022
  • Natural gas is a top energy source voters want to see used more, with 67% in favor of increased usage, and only slightly behind renewables, such as solar (84%) and wind energy (78%)

Given this overwhelming backing of voters, policymakers should take the lead on positioning our country for a successful clean energy transition that reduces emissions, creates jobs, and strengthens the economy by supporting natural gas expansion.

The ad campaign will run through the month of July 2024.

About PAGE 

The Partnership to Address Global Emissions (PAGE) is a coalition of responsible energy companies, allied NGOs, labor unions and leading climate advocates dedicated to reducing global emissions by promoting U.S. policies that protect the climate, strengthen the economy, lower energy costs and bolster energy security through the production and export of cleaner natural gas. Learn more at

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