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PAGE Responds to U.S. House Considering a LNG Export License Pause Reversal in Foreign Aid Packages


WASHINGTON, D.C. (April 17, 2024) – Today, Executive Director of Partnership to Address Global Emissions (PAGE) Chris Treanor issued the below statement in response to recent reports that U.S. House leaders may include a provision to end the Department of Energy’s (DOE) liquefied natural gas (LNG) export license approval pause along with foreign aid packages:

The Administration is rightfully urging Congress to pass foreign aid funding that supports our allies against ongoing aggression from adversaries. However, the effort to restore peace is incomplete without ensuring global energy security.

Including a provision that ends the LNG export license approval pause is vital for U.S. foreign policy and climate goals: it ensures the continued delivery of LNG exports to our allies, so they are less reliant on authoritarian regimes for energy and do not backslide into dirtier energy sources – like coal and Russian and Iranian gas. LNG export growth since 2016 has reduced emissions, created jobs and kept prices low, making the pause an unnecessary interruption to wait for public impact that is already well-established.

PAGE strongly urges Congress to include a provision reversing the LNG export license approval pause in legislation that provides foreign aid to our allies. We will remain actively engaged with members of Congress on both sides of the aisle and the Administration to advance a bipartisan solution that protects our allies from military and energy aggression.

About PAGE 

The Partnership to Address Global Emissions (PAGE) is a coalition of responsible energy companies, allied NGOs, labor unions and leading climate advocates dedicated to reducing global emissions by promoting U.S. policies that protect the climate, strengthen the economy, lower energy costs and bolster energy security through the production and export of cleaner natural gas.

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